Kayak Zone
Kayak trips for beginners and advanced, expeditions and training from qualified guides
Your kayak adventure starts here!
Kayak Zone offers a wide selection for kayak programs in Bulgaria and abroad. All skill levels are welcome - from beginners to advanced, and we will make sure to create a program that suits your needs, experience and interests. Do not hesitate and come with us to experience your kayak adventure!
Upcoming Events
Kayak programs in Bulgaria and abroad, courses and others
Your kayak adventure starts here!
Kayak Zone offers a wide selection for kayak programs in Bulgaria and abroad. All skill levels are welcome - from beginners to advanced, and we will make sure to create a program that suits your needs, experience and interests. Do not hesitate and come with us to experience your kayak adventure!
Recommended by the Kayak Zone team for you
Sivota & The Blue Lagoon | 5-Day Kayaking Adventure
В тази част на гръцкото крайбрежие морската вода е неземно, нереално, невъзможно синя и толкова прозрачна, че дори и тези, които не си падат по гмуркането, не могат да устоят на изкушението. Засенчени от големината на Корфу и популярността му , островите на Сивота остават скрити за туристите.
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